Indigenous People’s Trail Nepal

If you want to see just the photos and blogs from our Nepalese adventure click on the links below. Otherwise everything is just a geriatric blogphobe’s jumble. This list also includes Rose’s Ramblings.

    1. How to be a  Guardian reader
    2. Rose is on the move
    3. I packed my bag and in my bag I packed……
    4. “We’ve overshot…mistakes do happen”
    5. General information on walking the IP Trail in Nepal Part 1
    6. Water, water (and tea and Raksi) everywhere
  1. A liberal dilemma
  2. The kit list and other weighty matters

Rose’ Ramblings

  1. Get your wriggle on
  2. Of Gods and Garbage
  3. The Great Indigenous People’s Tale 0500 – 1100hrs ‘In the Mudhe’